As u can see, it's just getting better and better! Not strictly 'sooc' as I've done zero processing to make this Hipstamatic shot even better.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Who needs a real camera?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
muddy puddles

muddy puddles
Originally uploaded by Steve_kj
Somebody has been watching too much peppa pig lately ;)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Regenerating old shots
I shot this back in the day when all I knew of photography was to hold the camera at the object and click. Yup, a real point & clicker guy I was! lol However, owning a new iPhone 4 (grin) has helped me to turn a lot of these disappointing images of our happy memories into something really cool.
Check out this image on flickr - it’s amazing, even if I do say so myself. But what makes this even better is that I used the camera’s hopeless digital zoom too! I cannot appreciate my iPhone 4 anymore.
This amazing device has taken some of our old crabby shots and made them so AWESOME! Hope you agree :-)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
bamburgh castle

bamburgh castle
Originally uploaded by Steve_kj
Photography and post processing on the iPhone never ceases to amazing me!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Incredible iPhone 4
This beast ran everything and ran it FAST. Unfortunately things do change and computers get 'slower' lol
Life changes also and today I'm with a beautiful woman, amazing kids and a horrid mortgage! So long story cut short there's no change of a new Mac anytime soon.
I've loved photography for years and now I'm left to struggle along with an ageing computer running a wonderful (if out of date) app called Aperture.
So where is all this nonsense leading?
The Apple iPhone 4. Wow, this mobile device is so awesome!! Finally, after years of putting up with Sony & Nokia, I've a piece of equipment that actually works!!! And works so well too.
I've discovered lots of wonderful photography apps on the AppStore. All with their own unique styles to get a different perspective from your shots.
This image is an old shot i made using a Fuji compact camera. It was taken during our American road trip to a ghost town called Texon, in West Texas. The HDR was done on the iPhone using an app called Dynamic Light. Incredible results!
There are a wedge of other apps too, try: PhotoWizard, PictureShow, PhotoStudio, Camera+ and Camtastic. (Camtastic is my main iPhone camera app).
Needless to say, it might be a little weird to edit your images on the iPhone, at first. But you will get great results whilst you saving for your new computer :)