This post is to simply let all the fans of Battlefield 1942, and all visitors to AppleCrypt Mods, that I'm about to post a wonderful (and very large) addition to our archive.
Get ready for the ultimate collection of every single player / coop map for Battlefield 1942 that has ever been made!!
We're talking around 2.3GB and I'm 99.9% positive that I've collected everything that's ever been released. That's everything, ever! From day one of the games release too today, Sunday February 22nd 2009. This is a fine collection indeed, an ultimate collection for one of the best Mac games.
I've uploaded all the files to our ftp server, which are split RAR's. So grab yourself a copy of a freeware program like UnRARx or Stuffit Expander from However, I'm juggling my limited time here, amongst working on the web page, doing housework and entertaining our baby girl!
So give me a few more hours to update AppleCrypt Mods with the new details! :-)