We've just become the proud owners of a new camcorder, well, it's our first actually. It's a JVC GZ-MS100 model with SD ram cards rather than tapes, drives, discs or whatever. It's light, small and the battery lasts forever. Even better, we're getting "DVD" quality at 720x576. Sweet!
Hardly "HD", I know.. But my olde Power Mac G5 cannot supposedly handle the codec, due to being a PPC model rather than a spanky new Intel Mac (thanks Apple!). Not bothered too much, probably couldn't afford an HD camcorder anyhow lol
The main purpose for it is recording our daughter as she grows up plus also our travels around the globe. Should come in handy for our American road trip later in the year. Talking of road trips, check out my new travel blog - The TravelCrypt (nice name) ;-)